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The care for the body and the good look and appearance is a never ending process. Balanced diet, healthy lifestyle and exercise are just some of the main things that promote good and healthy look of the body. But what happens when these options are no longer effective? The market today offers a variety of modern solutions that cater to body contouring. As an option for weight loss treatment and fat reduction, the body contouring has risen immensely in popularity. The variety of different treatments that are offered can be truly be a challenging thing when you are looking the most suitable one for yourself. And the ones that stand out are the ultrasonic cavitation vs laser liposuction. To make the best informed choice, here we will discuss and make a comparison of professional cavitation with liposuction?
No matter how frequently we exercise, how healthy we eat and are aware of what we consume, the fat is the most stubborn thing to get rid off from the body. Depending on many different factors, there are places on the body that have more fat than the others. This means that even though your are exercising and trying to get rid of it, sometimes these areas cannot be reached which leaves them unattended. That is why, some body contouring treatments and techniques are specially designed to target that deep and unreachable fat, all with the goal to provide better health and overall good body aesthetics. In those terms, the best fat removal treatments many dwell between which is better are– ultrasonic cavitation or liposuction.
Ultrasonic cavitation is a treatments that uses ultrasound waves to break up fat in a specific area of the body. It is a technique that is non-invasive. As such, it allows the fat to be eliminated from the body, through the natural processes of the lymphatic system. The ultrasonic cavitation is perform with the use of ultrasonic cavitation machines and ultrasound waves. How ultrasonic cavitation works is that the machine, a hand piece in particular, comes over the desired area of the body that needs to be treated. These areas are most commonly those that have deep fat deposits or pockets that cannot be removed with the traditional diet or exercise. The ultrasonic cavitation can be performed on thighs, arms, abdomen and lower back. After a very short time, the ultrasound cavitation results will become visible. There is no need on anesthesia or hospitalization, which means no down time. The best and optimal solution is to perform several treatment sessions. The swelling will be reduced immediately and the skin will instantly look firmer. The effects of the cavitation depend from person to person.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure. It is a treatment that removes fat by making small incisions that are done on the skin. How liposuction works is that through any of this incisions, there is a cannula inserted which is connected to the suction machine that removes the fat from the fat cells. Although it is a surgical procedure, this is solution that offers and provides noticeable results is a very short period of time. Additionally, it is an effective technique that is suitable for treating larger areas of the body that have fat deposits. Since it is labeled as surgical one, the liposuction is an invasive treatment. In those terms, the use of anesthesia is required. These is a down time, and after the procedure, the rest time is highly suggested for the body to recover. The process of liposuction, although performed under general anesthesia, is quite simple. This is a technique that caters to those body parts and fat deposits where the exercise and the diet absolutely have no impact. The fat removal is done selectively, without damaging the surrounding tissues. Additionally, it shapes and contours that particular area of the body.
Although these two procedures are very popular options when it comes to fat reduction and a great way to tighten the skin, here is more detailed comparison between the two of them.
When it comes to the mechanisms of action, the ultrasonic cavitation uses ultrasonic waves that break down fat cells, turning them into liquid, that are later eliminated through the body. The traditional liposuction uses small incisions on the skin, attached cannula and suction to remove the fat from the body. Cavitation is pain free option, while the traditional liposuction is an invasive treatment. When it comes to the effectiveness of the treatment, the ultrasonic cavitation is great option for targeting the smaller fat pockets, with gradual results which can be seen over several weeks. On the other hand, the results from the traditional liposuction are immediate and highly effective, but come with surgical risks. The time of the procedure of the ultrasonic cavitation is from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area that is being targeted and worked on, while the traditional liposuction takes 1 to 4 hours, depending on the extent of the surgery.
Here is a professional cavitation vs traditional liposuction comparison:
1. Methodology: Ultrasonic cavitation uses ultrasound waves for fat freezing, while liposuction uses small incisions on the skin, connected to cannula and suction machine to remove fat.
2. Treatment areas: cavitation is great option for larger areas, while the laser liposuction is better for more targeted fat reduction.
3. Results: the results from the liposuction are more dramatic and visible after recovery, which the cavitation results are more gradual.
4. Downtime: cavitation has no downtime, while liposuction requires short recovery period.
Both cavitation and liposuction are a popular treatments around the world with the final goal of removing fat from the body. It is important to note that neither of these treatments is a weight-loss program, just a fat removal one. With that being said, there is always the option to choose between the two. As mentioned above, the biggest difference between these two treatments is the way they are done which means that cavitation is non-invasive while the traditional liposuction is considered an invasive one. The choice should be only according personal preference and the amount of treated area. Cavitation works on areas of the body that have fat deposits that are deep. Traditional liposuction on the other hand is excellent option if you want to remove a lot of fat, at once. Both treatments have their side effects. For example, people with cardiovascular diseases, and with older age might not find the traditional liposuction as a best choice since undergoing total anesthesia is not suggested for their age and condition. The more effective between the cavitation and the liposuction therapy falls down particularly on the body and the treated area.
When it comes to a comparison of professional cavitation with liposuction in terms of cost, the ultrasonic cavitation is far less expensive than the traditional liposuction. The general cost varies depending on the treated area of fat deposits. The average price is around $250-$350 per treatment. On the other hand, the traditional liposuction is much more expensive. The price can vary and depend on several factors such as the location of the clinic, surgeon’s experience, the extend of the procedure and so on. The cost varies from $2000 to $8000. The cavitation does require repeat sessions for all those who want to keep up the look and the condition.
They are similar treatments, the one using high-frequency sound ways, while the other uses high-frequency energy. Both are non-invasive.
2.Is lipo cavitation the same as liposuction?
No. Lipo cavitation is an alternative treatment for liposuction.
For quick and visible results, liposuction is the most effective option.
4.Does liposuction really work?
Yes, liposuction works and the results are visible after the recovery.
5.What are the disadvantages of cavitation?
The results come more gradually, slowly, the repeat session are required if you want to achive and maintain good results.
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