Acne Comedonica: Reduces blackheads and whiteheads, unclogs pores, and refines skin texture for a smoother complexion.
Ance Papulopustulosa: Reduces inflammation and redness, minimizes breakouts, and promotes faster healing of acne.
Atopic Dermatitis: Soothes irritation, alleviates dryness, and strengthens the skin barrier to reduce flare-ups.
Perioral Dermatitis: Calms redness and inflammation around the mouth, improves moisture retention to prevent recurrence.
Eczemas: Moisturizes and soothes dry, flaky skin, restores the skin barrier, reducing eczema outbreaks.
Scars: Fades acne scars, stimulates collagen production, improving skin texture and elasticity.
Sensitive Skin: Calms irritation, reduces redness, and enhances skin's resilience to external factors.
Ulcuscruis: Accelerates ulcer healing, improves blood circulation, promoting faster recovery.
Redness: Reduces facial redness, strengthens capillaries, resulting in a balanced complexion.

Power supply Input:100V-240V
Dimensions: 26*24*33 CM
Net Weight: 5.05 kg
Gross Weight: 5.85 kg
Input Power: AC 110V/220V 50/60Hz
Display: Touch Screen

1 x Main Machine
1 x Unoisetion 40KHz Cavitation Handle
1 x Vacuum Biploar RF Handl
1 x Three pole RF Handle for Face
1 x Quadrupole RF Handle for Face and Body
1 x Sextupolar RF Handle for Body
1 x Power Cord