Visceral fat is also known as abdominal fat or organ fat. It resides deep within the abdominal cavity. It surrounds vital organs like the liver, intestines, and pancreas. While some visceral fat is necessary for bodily functions, excessive fat can increase the risk of developing chronic conditions.

    Those who carry excess weight around their waist should take measures to control fat. The good news is that visceral fat can be reduced without visceral fat surgery. Today, we will uncover effective strategies to help you manage visceral fat. If you are concerned about improving your overall health, keep on reading. We will also discuss how to lose visceral fat, and discover what is visceral fat vs subcutaneous. 

    Understanding Visceral Fat

    What does visceral fat look like? Visceral fat is stored deep inside the body. They are present under the belly muscles and around internal organs. Some amount of visceral fat is healthy. They provide protection to the internal organs of our bodies. These vital organs include the liver, stomach, intestines and other organs. Too much visceral fat level can have a negative impact on our bodies - there could be high risks for diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

    Subcutaneous meaning underneath the skin. Subcutaneous fat is fat that stays under the skin. Unlike visceral fat, it is pinchable. Excess subcutaneous fat can contribute to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or sleep apnea.

    Why Does Visceral Fat Pose High Health Risk?

    Since visceral fat is only found deep in the abdomen, it is a threat to your health. If there is too much visceral fat around the vital organs it can disrupt the normal function of these organs.  

    Visceral fat releases hormones that can increase inflammation and blood sugar levels. This hidden fat can impair your body's ability to use insulin effectively.

    Too much this type of fat increases the risk of developing the following health problems:

    • Heart Disease: Visceral fat disrupts cholesterol and blood pressure regulation, raising your risk of heart attack and stroke.

    • Type 2 Diabetes: Impaired insulin use due to visceral fat can lead to high blood sugar levels and diabetes.

    • Certain Cancers: Studies suggest a link between visceral fat and an increased risk of some cancers.

    How to Measure Visceral Fat in My Body?

    Wondering how to lose visceral fat fast? To lose fat, it is important that you know which part of your body needs to be checked. Follow these simple measure techniques to know whether you have a visceral fat range female. 

    • Wrap a tape measure around the waist. If you are a woman, and your waist size is 35 inches, it can be a sign that you have too much visceral fat. In men, 40 waist size is considered harmful.

    • Measure your waist and hips size. Divide the waist size by the hip size (measure hip-to-waist ratio). For women, a ratio exceeding 0.85 may suggest an increased risk. A ratio exceeding 0.90 may suggest an increased risk in men.

    • Stand in front of a mirror. If you notice that your body has a shape like an apple (slimmer legs and a big trunk) you may have more visceral fat than usual.

    Diet and Nutrition Tips for Losing Visceral Fat

    1. Balanced Diet

    Whole Foods: Want to know how to lose visceral belly fat? Intake fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources like fish and chicken. Eat whole grains like brown rice and quinoa for essential nutrients.

    Reduce Processed Foods: These often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and excessive sodium. Limit processed snacks, sugary drinks, and packaged meals to support your visceral fat-fighting efforts.

    2. Healthy Fats

    Incorporate Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil. They can actually aid in weight management and make you feel full.

    Avoid Trans Fats: Processed foods and fried items are unhealthy fats. They can contribute to visceral fat accumulation. Carefully read food labels and stay clear of hydrogenated oils.

    3. Protein and Fiber

    High Protein Diet: Protein helps you feel full and supports muscle growth, which can boost metabolism. Include lean protein sources in every meal to keep you satisfied and on track.

    Increase Fiber Intake: Fibers are effective belly fat burners. They keep your digestive system functioning smoothly and promote feelings of satiety. Increase your fiber intake with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to reduce visceral fat.

    4. Limit Sugar and Refined Carbs

    Sugar Intake: Excessive sugar intake increases visceral fat. Limit sugary drinks, processed snacks, and added sugars in your diet.

    Refined Carbs: White bread and pastries can cause blood sugar spikes and contribute to fat storage. Opt for whole grains instead.

    Effective Exercises to Lose Visceral Belly Fat 

    1. Aerobic Exercise

    Regular aerobic exercise, like brisk walking, running, cycling, or swimming, is a must. Aim for at least 30 minutes most days of the week to lose belly fat. Cardio burns calories and helps shrink visceral fat. So, if you are wondering how to lose visceral body fat, do as much exercise as possible. 

    2. Strength Training

    Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. Strength training exercises using weights, resistance bands, or even bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges can help build muscle and boost your metabolism, aiding in visceral fat reduction.

    3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves alternating short bursts of intense exercise with periods of rest. These intense workouts can burn significant calories in a shorter time and may be particularly effective for midsection and belly fat.

    Lifestyle Changes for Visceral Fat Loss

    1. Stress Management

    Chronic stress triggers hormones that can increase visceral fat storage. Reduce body fat percentage by practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to keep stress in check. 

    2. Sleep Quality

    When you are well-rested, your body produces hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Develop a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and limit screen time before bed.

    3. Hydration

    Drinking plenty of water throughout the day keeps you feeling full, reduces cravings, and aids digestion. Aim for eight glasses of water daily, adjusting based on your activity level and climate.

    Tools and Devices to Assist in Visceral Fat Reduction

    1. Unoisetion Weight Loss Machine

    Features: Unoisetion weight loss machine comes with RF 40K cavitation 2.0 probe attachment. It targets fat cells with ultrasound and other technologies to reduce cellulite and tighten skin.

    Effectiveness: You will start to see differences after the first treatment. Generally, it takes 8 to 12 sessions to get the most desired results.

    2. Mychway S-shape Cavitation Machine

    Mychway’s flagship lineup S Shape cavitation machines use ultrasound waves to break down fat cells in the abdomen, thighs, and arms. This machine is one such example.


    • Focuses on specific areas with stubborn fat deposits.

    • No surgery or needles involved.

    • May help improve body contour and reduce inches.

    How to Use:

    1. Apply ultrasound gel to the target area.

    2. Glide the handheld device in circular motions on your skin.

    3. Follow the recommended treatment time per area.

    4. Drink plenty of water to help flush out the broken-down fat cells.

    Myths and Misconceptions about Visceral Fat

    Myth #1: Target That Belly Bulge with Spot Reduction!

    Contrary to popular belief, you cannot target fat loss in specific areas like your belly. Exercises like crunches won't directly melt away visceral fat. Overall calorie reduction through diet and exercise is key to shrinking your waistline and reducing visceral fat.

    Myth #2: Diet Pills Provide Overnight Results!

    Diet pills and other quick fixes for visceral fat loss often sound too good to be true, and they usually are. These lack scientific evidence and may even pose health risks for a obese man and obese women. Emphasize sustainable lifestyle changes like healthy eating and exercise for lasting results.   

    FAQs Section

    How can I tell if I have too much visceral fat?

    Look for signs if you have a protruding belly. Do you have difficulty squeezing the fat? Calculate your BMI or measure your waist to check if you have visceral fat. CT or MRI give you the exact data on whether you have visceral fat.  

    Is visceral fat easier to lose than subcutaneous fat?

    Yes! Visceral fat responds better to diet and exercise than subcutaneous fat. You can lose weight by being consistent with calorie reduction exercises.   

    Is visceral fat the same as belly fat?

    Not exactly. Belly fat is a general term for visceral and subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat specifically refers to fat stored deep within the abdomen, surrounding organs.

    What burns visceral fat the most?

    Cardio exercises can help you burn calories and reduce the amount of visceral fat. Be consistent with following a healthy diet and lifestyle to prevent visceral fat from storing.

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